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A timelock smart contract introduces a delay mechanism for executing function calls on other smart contracts. It establishes a predefined minimum time delay before a scheduled operation can be executed.

While Timelock is not strictly a MultiSig/Voting Contract, it aligns closely with the principles of CW3-spec compliant contracts. Instead of immediate execution, addresses can only propose or schedule operations, which then undergo a delay before final execution is allowed.


Upon deploying the Timelock contract, you can set:

A minimum time delay and dddresses to act as Administrators and Proposers. Operations can only be scheduled by proposers if their execution time exceeds the set delay.


Administrators handle initial configuration and ensure compatibility with potential target contracts. By default, the contract initiator becomes the administrator if no other addresses are provided. Post configuration, administrators can freeze the Timelock, making it immutable. This action is irrevocable and can render the contract unusable.


Proposers schedule operations to be executed after the delay. Ensure that the Timelock contract has necessary permissions on target contracts. Specify executor addresses responsible for the final operation execution on the target contract. If no executors is specified, any address can execute once the time arrives.


Scheduling doesn't guarantee execution. Scheduled operations can be cancelled by the proposer before execution. Thus, choosing proposers is crucial.


pub struct InstantiateMsg {  pub admins: Option<Vec<String>>,  pub proposers: Vec<String>,  pub min_delay: Duration,}Querypub enum QueryMsg {  GetOperationStatus {    operation_id: Uint64,  },  GetExecutionTime {    operation_id: Uint64,  },  GetAdmins {},  GetOperations {    start_after: Option<u64>,    limit: Option<u32>,  },  GetMinDelay {},  GetProposers {},  GetExecutors {    operation_id: Uint64,  },}


pub enum ExecuteMsg {  Schedule {    target_address: String,    data: Binary,    title: String,    description: String,    execution_time: Scheduled,    executors: Option<Vec<String>>,  },  Cancel {    operation_id: Uint64,  },  Execute {    operation_id: Uint64,  },  RevokeAdmin {    admin_address: String,  },  AddProposer {    proposer_address: String,  },  RemoveProposer {    proposer_address: String,  },  UpdateMinDelay {    new_delay: Duration,  },  Freeze {},}


To create a timelocks contract with CosmWasm, you can create the following files:

pub mod contract;mod error;pub mod helpers;pub mod msg;pub mod state;pub use crate::error::ContractError;


#[cfg(not(feature = "library"))]use cosmwasm_std::entry_point;use cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute;use cosmwasm_std::{    to_binary, Addr, Binary, CosmosMsg, Deps, DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, Order, Response, StdError,    StdResult, Uint64,};use cw2::set_contract_version;use cw_storage_plus::Bound;use cw_utils::{Duration, Scheduled};use std::ops::Add;use crate::error::ContractError;use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg, OperationListResponse, QueryMsg};use crate::state::{Operation, OperationStatus, Timelock, CONFIG, OPERATION_LIST, OPERATION_SEQ};// version info for migration infoconst CONTRACT_NAME: &str = "";const CONTRACT_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]pub fn instantiate(    deps: DepsMut,    env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    msg: InstantiateMsg,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let mut admins = vec![];    match msg.admins {        None => {            admins.push(info.sender.clone());        }        Some(admin_list) => {            for admin in admin_list {                admins.push(deps.api.addr_validate(&admin)?);            }        }    }    admins.push(env.contract.address);    let mut proposers = vec![];    for proposer in msg.proposers {        proposers.push(deps.api.addr_validate(&proposer)?);    }    let timelock = Timelock {        min_time_delay: msg.min_delay,        proposers,        admins,        frozen: false,    };    set_contract_version(, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_VERSION)?;, &Uint64::zero())?;, &timelock)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Method: ", "instantiate")        .add_attribute("Admin: ", info.sender)        .add_attribute(            "Proposers: ",            timelock                .proposers                .into_iter()                .map(|item| item.to_string())                .collect::<String>(),        )        .add_attribute("minTimeDelay: ", timelock.min_time_delay.to_string()))}#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]pub fn execute(    deps: DepsMut,    _env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    msg: ExecuteMsg,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    match msg {        ExecuteMsg::Schedule {            target_address,            data,            title,            description,            execution_time,            executors,        } => execute_schedule(            deps,            _env,            info,            target_address,            data,            title,            description,            execution_time,            executors,        ),        ExecuteMsg::Execute { operation_id } => execute_execute(deps, _env, info, operation_id),        ExecuteMsg::Cancel { operation_id } => execute_cancel(deps, _env, info, operation_id),        ExecuteMsg::RevokeAdmin { admin_address } => {            execute_revoke_admin(deps, _env, info, admin_address)        }        ExecuteMsg::AddProposer { proposer_address } => {            execute_add_proposer(deps, _env, info, proposer_address)        }        ExecuteMsg::RemoveProposer { proposer_address } => {            execute_remove_proposer(deps, _env, info, proposer_address)        }        ExecuteMsg::UpdateMinDelay { new_delay } => {            execute_update_min_delay(deps, _env, info, new_delay)        }        ExecuteMsg::Freeze {} => execute_freeze(deps, _env, info),    }}/*eslint too-many-arguments-threshold:9 */#[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]pub fn execute_schedule(    deps: DepsMut,    env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    target_address: String,    data: Binary,    title: String,    description: String,    execution_time: Scheduled,    executor_list: Option<Vec<String>>,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let sender = deps.api.addr_validate(&info.sender.to_string())?;    let target = deps.api.addr_validate(&target_address)?;    let timelock = CONFIG.load(;    if !(timelock.proposers.contains(&sender)) {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    if Scheduled::AtTime(env.block.time).add(timelock.min_time_delay)? > execution_time {        return Err(ContractError::MinDelayNotSatisfied {});    }    let id = OPERATION_SEQ.update::<_, StdError>(, |id| Ok(id.add(Uint64::new(1))))?;    let mut executors = None;    match executor_list {        None => {}        Some(list) => {            let mut checked_executors = vec![];            for executor in list {                checked_executors.push(deps.api.addr_validate(&executor)?);            }            executors = Option::from(checked_executors);        }    }    let new_operation = Operation {        id,        status: OperationStatus::Pending,        proposer: sender,        executors,        execution_time,        target,        data,        title,        description,    };, id.u64(), &new_operation)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Schedule ", "success")        .add_attribute("Operation ID: ", id)        .add_attribute("Proposer: ", new_operation.proposer)        .add_attribute("Target Address: ",        .add_attribute("Execution Time: ", new_operation.execution_time.to_string()))}pub fn execute_execute(    deps: DepsMut,    env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    operation_id: Uint64,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let mut operation = OPERATION_LIST.load(, operation_id.u64())?;    //is delay ended    if !operation.execution_time.is_triggered(&env.block) {        return Err(ContractError::Unexpired {});    }    //has executer list if so sender is in it    if operation.executors.is_some()        && !operation            .executors            .clone()            .map(|c| c.contains(&info.sender))            .unwrap()    {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    if operation.status == OperationStatus::Done {        return Err(ContractError::Executed {});    }    //change operation status    operation.status = OperationStatus::Done;, operation_id.u64(), &operation)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_message(CosmosMsg::Wasm(Execute {            contract_addr:,            msg:,            funds: vec![],        }))        .add_attribute("executor", &info.sender.to_string()))}pub fn execute_cancel(    deps: DepsMut,    _env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    operation_id: Uint64,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let operation = OPERATION_LIST.load(, operation_id.u64())?;    if operation.status == OperationStatus::Done {        return Err(ContractError::NotDeletable {});    }    if operation.proposer != info.sender {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    OPERATION_LIST.remove(, operation_id.u64());    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Method", "cancel")        .add_attribute("sender", &info.sender.to_string())        .add_attribute("operation_id", operation_id.to_string())        .add_attribute("Result", "Success"))}pub fn execute_revoke_admin(    deps: DepsMut,    _env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    admin_address: String,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let mut timelock = CONFIG.load(;    if timelock.frozen {        return Err(ContractError::TimelockFrozen {});    }    if !timelock.admins.contains(&info.sender) {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    let admin_address = deps.api.addr_validate(&admin_address)?;    let index = timelock        .admins        .iter()        .position(|x| *x == admin_address.clone())        .ok_or(ContractError::NotFound {            address: admin_address.clone().to_string(),        })?;    timelock.admins.remove(index);, &timelock)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Method", "revoke admin")        .add_attribute("sender", &info.sender)        .add_attribute("Admin to revoke", admin_address)        .add_attribute("Result", "Success"))}pub fn execute_add_proposer(    deps: DepsMut,    _env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    proposer_address: String,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let mut timelock = CONFIG.load(;    if timelock.frozen {        return Err(ContractError::TimelockFrozen {});    }    if !timelock.admins.contains(&info.sender) {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    let proposer_address = deps.api.addr_validate(&proposer_address)?;    //is in proposers list    if timelock.proposers.contains(&proposer_address) {        return Err(ContractError::AlreadyContainsProposerAddress {});    }    timelock.proposers.push(proposer_address);, &timelock)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Method", "add_proposer")        .add_attribute("sender", &info.sender)        .add_attribute("Result", "Success"))}pub fn execute_remove_proposer(    deps: DepsMut,    _env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    proposer_address: String,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let mut timelock = CONFIG.load(;    if timelock.frozen {        return Err(ContractError::TimelockFrozen {});    }    if !timelock.admins.contains(&info.sender) {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    let proposer_address = deps.api.addr_validate(&proposer_address)?;    //is in proposers    let index = timelock        .proposers        .iter()        .position(|x| *x == proposer_address.clone())        .ok_or(ContractError::NotFound {            address: proposer_address.clone().to_string(),        })?;    timelock.proposers.remove(index);, &timelock)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Method", "remove_proposer")        .add_attribute("sender", &info.sender)        .add_attribute("Result", "Success"))}pub fn execute_update_min_delay(    deps: DepsMut,    _env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,    new_delay: Duration,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let mut timelock = CONFIG.load(;    if timelock.frozen {        return Err(ContractError::TimelockFrozen {});    }    if !timelock.admins.contains(&info.sender) {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    timelock.min_time_delay = new_delay;, &timelock)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Method", "Update Min Delay")        .add_attribute("Sender", &info.sender.to_string())        .add_attribute("New Min Delay", timelock.min_time_delay.to_string())        .add_attribute("Result", "Success"))}pub fn execute_freeze(    deps: DepsMut,    _env: Env,    info: MessageInfo,) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {    let mut timelock = CONFIG.load(;    if timelock.frozen {        return Err(ContractError::TimelockFrozen {});    }    if !timelock.admins.contains(&info.sender) {        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    timelock.frozen = true;, &timelock)?;    Ok(Response::new()        .add_attribute("Method", "freeze")        .add_attribute("sender", &info.sender)        .add_attribute("Result", "Success"))}#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]pub fn query(deps: Deps, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {    match msg {        QueryMsg::GetOperationStatus { operation_id } => {            to_binary(&query_get_operation_status(deps, operation_id)?)        }        QueryMsg::GetExecutionTime { operation_id } => {            to_binary(&query_get_execution_time(deps, operation_id)?)        }        QueryMsg::GetAdmins {} => to_binary(&query_get_admins(deps)?),        QueryMsg::GetOperations { start_after, limit } => {            to_binary(&query_get_operations(deps, start_after, limit)?)        }        QueryMsg::GetMinDelay {} => to_binary(&query_get_min_delay(deps)?),        QueryMsg::GetProposers {} => to_binary(&query_get_proposers(deps)?),        QueryMsg::GetExecutors { operation_id } => {            to_binary(&query_get_executors(deps, operation_id)?)        }    }}pub fn query_get_operation_status(deps: Deps, operation_id: Uint64) -> StdResult<OperationStatus> {    let operation = OPERATION_LIST.load(, operation_id.u64())?;    Ok(operation.status)}pub fn query_get_execution_time(deps: Deps, operation_id: Uint64) -> StdResult<String> {    let operation = OPERATION_LIST.load(, operation_id.u64())?;    Ok(operation.execution_time.to_string())}pub fn query_get_admins(deps: Deps) -> StdResult<Vec<Addr>> {    let timelock = CONFIG.load(;    Ok(timelock.admins)}// settings for paginationconst MAX_LIMIT: u32 = 30;const DEFAULT_LIMIT: u32 = 10;pub fn query_get_operations(    deps: Deps,    start_after: Option<u64>,    limit: Option<u32>,) -> StdResult<OperationListResponse> {    let limit = limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LIMIT).min(MAX_LIMIT) as usize;    let start =;    let operations: StdResult<Vec<_>> = OPERATION_LIST        .range(, start, None, Order::Ascending)        .take(limit)        .collect();    let res = OperationListResponse {        operationList: operations?.into_iter().map(|l| l.1.into()).collect(),    };    Ok(res)}pub fn query_get_min_delay(deps: Deps) -> StdResult<String> {    let timelock = CONFIG.load(;    Ok(timelock.min_time_delay.to_string())}pub fn query_get_proposers(deps: Deps) -> StdResult<Vec<Addr>> {    let timelock = CONFIG.load(;    Ok(timelock.proposers)}pub fn query_get_executors(deps: Deps, operation_id: Uint64) -> StdResult<Vec<Addr>> {    let operation = OPERATION_LIST.load(, operation_id.u64())?;    Ok(operation.executors.unwrap_or_default())}#[cfg(test)]mod tests {    use super::*;    use cosmwasm_std::testing::{mock_dependencies, mock_env, mock_info};    use cosmwasm_std::Timestamp;    use cw_utils::Scheduled;    #[test]    fn test_no_executers() {        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();        let mut env = mock_env();        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(100);        let msg = InstantiateMsg {            admins: Option::Some(vec!["owner".to_string(), "new_one".to_string()]),            proposers: vec!["prop1".to_string(), "prop2".to_string()],            min_delay: Duration::Time(10),        };        let info = mock_info("creator", &[]);        let description = "test desc".to_string();        let title = "Title Example ".to_string();        // instantiate        let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), msg).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        let data = to_binary(&"data").unwrap();        // try Schedule() with sender "creator"        let res = execute_schedule(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "target".to_string(),            data.clone(),            title.clone(),            description.clone(),            Scheduled::AtTime(Timestamp::from_seconds(10)),            Option::None,        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unauthorized {});        //change sender to prop1        let info = mock_info("prop1", &[]);        //try Schedule() sender "prop1" execution_time < env.block.time        let res = execute_schedule(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "target".to_string(),            data.clone(),            title.clone(),            description.clone(),            Scheduled::AtTime(Timestamp::from_seconds(1)),            Option::None,        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::MinDelayNotSatisfied {});        //Schedule() sender "prop1" execution_time > env.block.time && min_delay_time > execution_time - env.block.time        let res = execute_schedule(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "target".to_string(),            data.clone(),            title.clone(),            description.clone(),            Scheduled::AtTime(Timestamp::from_seconds(120)),            Option::None,        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        let res = query_get_execution_time(deps.as_ref(), Uint64::new(1));        println!("{:?}, {}", res, env.block.time);        //try Execute() sender "prop1" execution_time > env.block.time        let res =            execute_execute(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(1)).unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unexpired {});        //time pass        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(120);        //try Execute() sender "prop1" execution_time <= env.block.time executors "none"        let res =            execute_execute(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(1)).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);    }    #[test]    fn test_with_executors() {        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();        let mut env = mock_env();        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(100);        let msg = InstantiateMsg {            admins: Option::Some(vec!["owner".to_string(), "newone".to_string()]),            proposers: vec!["prop1".to_string(), "prop2".to_string()],            min_delay: Duration::Time(10),        };        let info = mock_info("creator", &[]);        let title = "Title Example ".to_string();        // instantiate        let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), msg).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        let data = to_binary(&"data").unwrap();        let description = "test desc".to_string();        //change sender to prop1        let info = mock_info("prop1", &[]);        //Schedule() sender "prop1" execution_time > env.block.time && min_delay_time > execution_time - env.block.time        let res = execute_schedule(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "target".to_string(),            data.clone(),            title.clone(),            description.clone(),            Scheduled::AtTime(Timestamp::from_seconds(120)),            Option::Some(vec!["exec1".to_string(), "exec2".to_string()]),        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        let res =            query_get_operations(deps.as_ref(), Option::Some(0u64), Option::Some(1u32)).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //time pass        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(120);        //try Execute() sender "prop1" execution_time <= env.block.time executors "exec1, exec2"        let res =            execute_execute(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(1)).unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unauthorized {});        let info = mock_info("exec1", &[]);        //Execute() sender "exec1" execution_time <= env.block.time executors "exec1, exec2"        let res =            execute_execute(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(1)).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);    }    #[test]    fn test_cancel() {        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();        let mut env = mock_env();        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(100);        let msg = InstantiateMsg {            admins: Option::Some(vec!["owner".to_string(), "newone".to_string()]),            proposers: vec!["prop1".to_string(), "prop2".to_string()],            min_delay: Duration::Time(10),        };        let info = mock_info("creator", &[]);        let title = "Title Example ".to_string();        // instantiate        let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), msg).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        let data = to_binary(&"data").unwrap();        let description = "test desc".to_string();        //change sender to prop1        let info = mock_info("prop1", &[]);        //Schedule() sender "prop1" execution_time > env.block.time && min_delay_time > execution_time - env.block.time        let res = execute_schedule(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "target".to_string(),            data.clone(),            title.clone(),            description.clone(),            Scheduled::AtTime(Timestamp::from_seconds(120)),            Option::None,        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //time pass        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(120);        //Execute() sender "prop1" executors ""        let res =            execute_execute(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(1)).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //try Cancel() sender "prop1" operation_id "1" status "OperationStatus::Done"        let res =            execute_cancel(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(1)).unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::NotDeletable {});        //Schedule() sender "prop1"        let res = execute_schedule(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "target".to_string(),            data.clone(),            title.clone(),            description.clone(),            Scheduled::AtTime(Timestamp::from_seconds(140)),            Option::None,        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //Cancel() sender "prop1" operation_id "2" status "OperationStatus::Pending"        let res = execute_cancel(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(2)).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //try Cancel() sender "nobody" operation_id "2" admin "creator" proposers "prop1, prop2"        let res =            execute_cancel(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(2)).unwrap_err();        println!("{:?}", res);        //Schedule() sender "prop1"        let res = execute_schedule(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "target".to_string(),            data.clone(),            title.clone(),            description.clone(),            Scheduled::AtTime(Timestamp::from_seconds(140)),            Option::None,        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        let info = mock_info("nobody", &[]);        //try Cancel() sender "nobody" operation_id "3" admin "creator" proposers "prop1, prop2"        let res =            execute_cancel(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), Uint64::new(3)).unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    #[test]    fn test_add_remove_proposer() {        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();        let mut env = mock_env();        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(100);        let msg = InstantiateMsg {            admins: Option::None,            proposers: vec![],            min_delay: Duration::Time(10),        };        let info = mock_info("creator", &[]);        // instantiate        let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), msg).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //try remove_proposer sender "creator" proposer_address "prop1" proposers ""        let res = execute_remove_proposer(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "prop1".to_string(),        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(            res,            ContractError::NotFound {                address: "prop1".to_string()            }        );        let info = mock_info("no_admin", &[]);        //try remove_proposer sender "no_admin" proposer_address "prop1" proposers ""        let res = execute_remove_proposer(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "prop1".to_string(),        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unauthorized {});        //try add_proposer sender "no_admin" proposer_address "prop1" proposers ""        let res = execute_add_proposer(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "prop1".to_string(),        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unauthorized {});        let info = mock_info("creator", &[]);        //add_proposer sender "creator" proposer_address "prop1" proposers ""        let res = execute_add_proposer(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "prop1".to_string(),        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //remove_proposer sender "no_admin" proposer_address "prop1" proposers "prop1"        let res = execute_remove_proposer(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "prop1".to_string(),        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);    }    #[test]    fn test_update_min_delay() {        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();        let mut env = mock_env();        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(100);        let msg = InstantiateMsg {            admins: Option::None,            proposers: vec![],            min_delay: Duration::Time(10),        };        let info = mock_info("creator", &[]);        // instantiate        let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), msg).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //update_min_delay() sender "creator"        let res = execute_update_min_delay(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            Duration::Time(100),        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        let info = mock_info("no_admin", &[]);        //try update_min_delay() sender "no_admin"        let res = execute_update_min_delay(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            Duration::Time(100),        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }    #[test]    fn test_revoke_admin() {        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();        let mut env = mock_env();        env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(100);        let msg = InstantiateMsg {            admins: Option::None,            proposers: vec![],            min_delay: Duration::Time(10),        };        let info = mock_info("creator", &[]);        // instantiate        let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), env.clone(), info.clone(), msg).unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //try revoke_admin() sender "creator" admin_address "not_in_it" admin "creator"        let res = execute_revoke_admin(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "not_in_it".to_string(),        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(            res,            ContractError::NotFound {                address: "not_in_it".to_string()            }        );        //revoke_admin() sender "creator" admin_address "creator" admin "creator"        let res = execute_revoke_admin(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "creator".to_string(),        )        .unwrap();        println!("{:?}", res);        //try revoke_admin() sender "creator" admin_address "creator" admin ""        let res = execute_revoke_admin(            deps.as_mut(),            env.clone(),            info.clone(),            "creator".to_string(),        )        .unwrap_err();        assert_eq!(res, ContractError::Unauthorized {});    }}

use crate::state::{Operation, OperationStatus};use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Binary, Uint64};use cw_utils::{Duration, Scheduled};use schemars::JsonSchema;use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct InstantiateMsg {    pub admins: Option<Vec<String>>,    pub proposers: Vec<String>,    pub min_delay: Duration,}#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    Schedule {        target_address: String,        data: Binary,        title: String,        description: String,        execution_time: Scheduled,        executors: Option<Vec<String>>,    },    Cancel {        operation_id: Uint64,    },    Execute {        operation_id: Uint64,    },    RevokeAdmin {        admin_address: String,    },    AddProposer {        proposer_address: String,    },    RemoveProposer {        proposer_address: String,    },    UpdateMinDelay {        new_delay: Duration,    },    Freeze {},}#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    GetOperationStatus {        operation_id: Uint64,    },    GetExecutionTime {        operation_id: Uint64,    },    GetAdmins {},    GetOperations {        start_after: Option<u64>,        limit: Option<u32>,    },    GetMinDelay {},    GetProposers {},    GetExecutors {        operation_id: Uint64,    },}#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct OperationResponse {    pub id: Uint64,    pub status: OperationStatus,    pub proposer: Addr,    pub executors: Option<Vec<Addr>>,    pub execution_time: Scheduled,    pub target: Addr,    pub data: Binary,    pub title: String,    pub description: String,}//impl Into<OperationResponse> for Operation changed to from due to lint warningimpl From<Operation> for OperationResponse {    fn from(operation: Operation) -> OperationResponse {        OperationResponse {            id:,            status: operation.status,            proposer: operation.proposer,            executors: operation.executors,            execution_time: operation.execution_time,            target:,            data:,            title: operation.title,            description: operation.description,        }    }}// We define a custom struct for each query response#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[allow(non_snake_case)]pub struct OperationListResponse {    pub operationList: Vec<OperationResponse>,}

use cosmwasm_std::StdError;use thiserror::Error;#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]pub enum ContractError {    #[error("{0}")]    Std(#[from] StdError),    #[error("Unauthorized")]    Unauthorized {},    #[error("Delay time not ended")]    Unexpired {},    #[error("Address {address:?} not found in Proposers")]    NotFound { address: String },    #[error("Executed operations can not be cancelled.")]    NotDeletable {},    #[error("Proposers list already contains this proposer address")]    AlreadyContainsProposerAddress {},    #[error("Minimum Delay condition not satisfied.")]    MinDelayNotSatisfied {},    #[error("This operation already executed.")]    Executed {},    #[error("Changes can not be made on a frozen Timelock contract.")]    TimelockFrozen {},    // Add any other custom errors you like here.    // Look at for details.}

use schemars::JsonSchema;use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Binary, Uint64};use cw_storage_plus::{Item, Map};use cw_utils::{Duration, Scheduled};#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct Timelock {    pub admins: Vec<Addr>,    pub proposers: Vec<Addr>,    pub min_time_delay: Duration,    pub frozen: bool,}#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct Operation {    pub id: Uint64,    pub status: OperationStatus,    pub proposer: Addr,    pub executors: Option<Vec<Addr>>,    pub execution_time: Scheduled,    pub target: Addr,    pub data: Binary,    pub title: String,    pub description: String,}#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub enum OperationStatus {    Pending,    Ready,    Done,}pub const CONFIG: Item<Timelock> = Item::new("timelock");pub const OPERATION_LIST: Map<u64, Operation> = Map::new("operation_list");pub const OPERATION_SEQ: Item<Uint64> = Item::new("operation_seq");

Credits: CosmWasm by example. You can check the code on Github or open it with VS code.