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  • Docs
  • Run a node
  • Node initialization

Initialize the node

A moniker is a human-readable name that represents the validator node. It's a way to identify your validator to other participants in the network, much like a username or a handle. It's intended to be easier to remember and recognize than the validator's public key or operator address, which are long and difficult to distinguish at a glance. The moniker shows the activity of your node on the block explorer.


This step is not needed if you just want to run a node without validating.

You can set up the moniker of your node by launching the following command:



archwayd init <moniker> --chain-id <chain>

To connect to a specific network, you would need to change the <chain> accordingly.

For example, for the Triomphe mainnet network you would launch:



archwayd init my-node --chain-id archway-1

While for the Constantine testnet network you would launch:



archwayd init my-node --chain-id constantine-3

Next steps

You can now set up the node keys.

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