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Create an Archway address using Cosmostation

Install Cosmostation

Download Cosmostation on Google Play or the Apple store.

After having installed the app, you can open it and create a new address.

Creating an account with Cosmostation

Select Create if you don't have an account already:

A Mnemonic Seed phrase is generated specifically for your account. Use this phrase to recover your account in case your browser extension becomes corrupted or you forget your password. Make sure to store the seed safely and offline.

Click on Show Mnemonic:

Save the mnemonic and press Create Wallet:

Viewing and Switching between chains

When logged into Cosmostation, you can add Archway by selecting it in the networks list.

Once you add Archway to the wallet, your address is shown.

You can copy it to the clipboard by just clicking on it.

That's it! You have now obtained your Cosmos address using Cosmostation.

Additional Guides

How to create a Cosmos Wallet Address using Cosmostation Extension / Mobile Wallet