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Archwayd CLI

The Archwayd CLI is a tool that empowers you to interact seamlessly with the Archway protocol. Leveraging the archwayd core daemon, it allows you to execute a wide array of operations, from sending transactions to querying the blockchain's state and beyond.

The Archwayd CLI is not strictly limited to those running their own nodes. You can engage with the network even without hosting a node personally. You can utilize the Archwayd CLI to submit transactions or probe the network's state via RPC. This opens up opportunities for a variety of users to interact with the Archway blockchain network, making it a versatile tool for a range of operations.

Please note that even if you can use the Archwayd CLI to store, instantiate and manage contracts, it is recommended to use the Developer CLI for these purposes, as it provides a smoother developer experience.


Since the release of Archway CLI v2, archwayd is no longer a dependency for the Developer CLI.


You can download the latest release of the pre-built binary from the releases page.

For Linux, and depending on your architecture:




You can now verify the download by generating the sha256 hash for the downloaded file:



sha256sum archwayd_linux_amd64

Using the sha256sum should give you a string (i.e. 04fac46745579a7e8b22fc3b1f83dcf5c1aa2b03e303823eb54d2328e7c1fa05).

You can then download the sha256 checksum file relative to the release file:

wget archwaysha256.txt

and you can compare that the sha256 hash strings match, By doing so, you are ensuring that the downloaded file matches the actual release file.



The full scope of archwayd commands can be viewed using the command archwayd --help:

archwayd --help# Outputs:Archway Daemon (server)Usage:  archwayd [command]Available Commands:  add-genesis-account      Add a genesis account to genesis.json  add-wasm-genesis-message Wasm genesis subcommands  collect-gentxs           Collect genesis txs and output a genesis.json file  config                   Create or query an application CLI configuration file  debug                    Tool for helping with debugging your application  ensure-binary            ensures the binary is correctly built  export                   Export state to JSON  gentx                    Generate a genesis tx carrying a self delegation  help                     Help about any command  init                     Initialize private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files  keys                     Manage your application's keys  query                    Querying subcommands  rollback                 rollback cosmos-sdk and tendermint state by one height  start                    Run the full node  status                   Query remote node for status  tendermint               Tendermint subcommands  tx                       Transactions subcommands  validate-genesis         validates the genesis file at the default location or at the location passed as an arg  version                  Print the application binary version informationFlags:  -h, --help                help for archwayd      --home string         directory for config and data (default "/Users/adrianthompson/.archway")      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) (default "plain")      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default "info")      --trace               print out full stack trace on errorsUse "archwayd [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Archwayd for Developers

If you require functionality not available in the Developer CLI, you may need to rely on archwayd to complete your task. Below are some examples of common queries and commands that can help guide you.

Query account balance

For querying an account balance, use the bank module:



archwayd query bank balances <account-address> --node "" --chain-id archway-1

Try it:

archwayd query bank balances archway1e2ntjy39x4gqn3tqu09ztjpjp4hf9q6u47w30u --node "" --chain-id archway-1
Try It

Deploy a contract

Transactions use the tx module. Ideally, deployments will include three transactions:

  1. Storing the wasm on-chain
  2. Instantiating the stored wasm
  3. Setting the contract metadata.

Upload and store the wasm on-chain:



archwayd tx wasm store path_to_wasm/my_wasm_file.wasm --gas auto --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 --node '' --output json | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') --gas-adjustment 1.4 --from <wallet-label> --chain-id archway-1 --node --broadcast-mode sync --output json -y

by replacing <wallet-label> with your own value.

The response from storing wasm will give you the Code ID required for instantiating the contract.

Then instantiate it:



archwayd tx wasm instantiate <> '{"entrypoint":"value"}' --from <wallet-label> --label "A human readable label for this deployment" --gas auto --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 --node '' --output json | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') --gas-adjustment 1.4 --chain-id archway-1 --node --broadcast-mode sync --output json -y

by replacing <code-id>, {"entrypoint":"value"}, <wallet-label> and "A human readable label for this deployment with your own values.

The response from instantiating the contract will give you the Contract Address required for setting metadata on the contract instance.

Setting metadata on the contract instance:



archwayd tx gastracker set-contract-metadata <contract-address> '{ "owner_address": <admin-address>, "reward_address": <rewards-receiver-address>, "collect_premium": false, "premium_percentage_charged": 0, "gas_rebate_to_user": false }' --gas auto --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 --node '' --output json | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') --gas-adjustment 1.4 --from <wallet-label> --chain-id archway-1 --node --broadcast-mode sync --output json -y

by replacing <contract-address>, <wallet-label>, and <admin-address>, <rewards-receiver-address> and the other JSON values with your own values.

Transaction filtering

Searching transactions with custom filters is a powerful feature. To do this we use the tx module with the --events filter. See below for common filtered queries that are helpful.

View all transactions to a specific contract:

Use filter key wasm._contract_address




archwayd query txs --events 'wasm._contract_address=<contract-address>' --node "" --chain-id archway-1

by replacing <contract-address> with your own value.

View all contracts deployed by a specific developer:

User filter keys message.sender and message.action




archwayd query txs --events 'message.sender=<developer-wallet-address>&message.action=/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgInstantiateContract' --node --chain-id archway-1

by replacing <developer-wallet-address> with your own value.

Code IDs and contract metadata:

Contract data and metadata queries use the wasm query module.

Find the Code ID of a specific contract:



archwayd query wasm contract <contract-address> --node --chain-id archway-1

Try it:

archwayd query wasm contract archway17gg4az440aj892ngex3kerc798d7lnwuuhe2v2dw5j7ezqhzn7hsh4dhzw --node --chain-id archway-1
Try It

by replacing <contract-address> with your own value.

Check if a contract's code was ever updated:

by replacing <contract-address> with your own value.



archwayd query wasm contract-history <contract-address> --node --chain-id archway-1

Try it:

archwayd query wasm contract-history archway17gg4az440aj892ngex3kerc798d7lnwuuhe2v2dw5j7ezqhzn7hsh4dhzw --node --chain-id archway-1
Try It

Find the contract address of a specific Code ID:

by replacing <code-id> with your own value.



archwayd query wasm list-contract-by-code <code-id> --node --chain-id archway-1