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To get started developing on the Archway Network, you will need to have the the following dependencies installed.





rustc, provided by the Rust project maintainers, is the compiler for the Rust programming language. rustc takes your Rust source code and produces binary code as a library or an executable.

To install Rust, follow the instructions for your operating system here.


Cargo is the Rust package manager, like go get is for Golang or npm is for JavaScript. Cargo comes with Rust if you installed rustc using rustup.

If you did not already install rustc with rustup, or don't have cargo in your command line path, see the instructions for installing Cargo here.

Cargo Generate

The cargo-generate tool creates a new Rust project quickly by leveraging a pre-existing code base.

Archway Developer CLI uses cargo-generate and cargo-run-script to provide and manage project templates for dapp development.

To install cargo-generate with vendored-openssl, and the cargo-run-script module, run the commands:

cargo install cargo-generate --features vendored-opensslcargo install cargo-run-script

Node.js and npm

npm is a package manager for JavaScript and Node.js. It's required for installing and updating the Archway Developer CLI.

For installing Node.js and npm, see instructions for your operating system here.


Docker is required for the Archway Developer CLI to use the rust optimizer. You can use Docker Desktop or Docker Engine.


For Linux users, it's recommended to run the Docker daemon in Rootless Mode

Archway Developer CLI

You can install the Archway CLI by using npm:

npm install -g @archwayhq/cli


Since the release of Archway CLI v2, archwayd is no longer a dependency for the Developer CLI.

Archwayd (optional)

All the actions executable through Archway Developer CLI can also be performed via archwayd, but it requires significantly more knowledge to achieve the same results.

To install archwayd, you can either download the latest release of the pre-built binary or build archwayd from source. Ensure that you use the release corresponding to the version of archwayd being used on the chain where you will be deploying your contracts.

For Linux, and depending on your architecture:




Verify the integrity of the binary

You can verify the binary by generating the sha256 hash of the downloaded file:



sha256sum archwayd_linux_amd64

Using the sha256sum command should generate a string (e.g., 4dd95ee0729b6593c9c390bde6e0c7bf3af0957d7f323e216b76ddb663fa7bc7). Next, you can download the sha256 checksum file corresponding to the release file using the command:

wget archwaysha256.txt

Then you can compare the two sha256 hash strings to ensure they match. By doing so, you confirm that the downloaded file matches the official release file.

Add executable permissions

After downloading the file, you can add executable permissions to it using the chmod command:

chmod +x archwayd_linux_amd64

The above command makes the binary executable.

Move the binary to the chosen directory

You can now move the binary to a directory in your PATH. The /usr/local/bin directory is commonly used for custom user programs not managed by the distribution package manager and is usually included in the PATH. You can move your file there with the mv command and also rename it to archwayd at the same time:

sudo mv archwayd_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/archwayd

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