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In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a frontend for a Lottery Dapp using the arch3.js library and React. The AI will guide you through the entire process, from setting up your project to interacting with your smart contract on the Archway blockchain.

Please make sure you've gone through the following guide to install all the tools required for developing on Archway. Also, make sure to go through the guide on creating the Lottery smart contract.

Key tips for interacting with ChatGPT AI

To successfully create and deploy the Lottery Dapp frontend using, you will interact with the ChatGPT AI to get clear, concise, and accurate instructions.

  • Be Specific: Clearly state what you need help with. The more specific your question, the better the response.
  • Use Code Blocks: When requesting code snippets, use code blocks to format your request.
  • Follow Instructions: Ensure you follow the instructions provided by ChatGPT closely to avoid errors.
  • Ask for Clarification: If any part of the response is unclear, ask for further clarification.
  • Check Outputs: After running commands, check the outputs and return any errors or messages to ChatGPT for further assistance.

Archway custom GPT

We've created a custom GPT configured with a knowledge set that should help with building smart contract frontends on Archway. The custom GPT can be accessed here and is the recommended GPT for building smart contract frontends on Archway.

Initial setup

You want to give ChatGPT an overview of the Lottery smart contract that was built, the chain your contract was deployed to along with the contract's address. The frontend dapp will also need access to the network via an RPC connection. For the constantine testnet you can find the list of public RPC endpoints here. One this same page you can find the Chain ID for the network. You can find the RPC endpoints and Chain ID for Mainnet here.

The first step would be to create a new React project and set up the necessary dependencies. The following will therefore be the first prompt:

Create a new React project.

The response should guide you with the commands and steps required for setting up your project.

Create components and smart contract interactions

Along with the request to create the necessary components for entering the lottery and ending the lottery, you will also need to share some of the code that makes up your smart contract with ChatGPT. This step helps ChatGPT understand how to interact with the contract.

The following could be an example of the messages in your smart contract's file:

use cosmwasm_schema::{cw_serde, QueryResponses};use cosmwasm_std::{Uint128};/// Message used to instantiate the contract/// This message is sent when the contract is initialized#[cw_serde]pub struct InstantiateMsg {    /// The entry fee that users need to pay to enter the lottery    pub entry_fee: Uint128,    /// The block height at which the lottery ends    pub end_block: u64,}/// Execute messages for the contract/// Defines the actions that users can take, such as entering the lottery or ending it#[cw_serde]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    /// Enter the lottery by paying the entry fee    Enter {},    /// End the lottery and determine the winner    EndLottery {},}/// Query messages for the contract/// Defines the queries that can be made to retrieve data from the contract#[cw_serde]#[derive(QueryResponses)]pub enum QueryMsg {    /// Get the current state of the lottery, including total funds and whether it's ended    #[returns(crate::state::LotteryState)]    GetLotteryState {},    /// Get the list of all participants in the lottery    #[returns(Vec<crate::state::Participant>)]    GetParticipants {},}}

The following could be an example of the code in your smart contract's file:

use cosmwasm_schema::cw_serde;use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Uint128};use cw_storage_plus::{Item, Map};// This struct stores the lottery configuration and overall state of the lottery.#[cw_serde]pub struct LotteryState {    // The address of the contract administrator    pub admin: Addr,    // Total amount of funds collected from entries    pub total_funds: Uint128,    // The entry fee to participate in the lottery    pub entry_fee: Uint128,    // The block height when the lottery will end    pub end_block: u64,    // Flag indicating whether the lottery has ended    pub is_ended: bool,}// A list to store addresses of all the participants#[cw_serde]pub struct Participant {    // The address of the participant    pub address: Addr,    // The amount they contributed (for potential future extensions like multiple tickets)    pub amount: Uint128,}// Store the global state of the lotterypub const LOTTERY_STATE: Item<LotteryState> = Item::new("lottery_state");// A map of participants, where the key is an auto-incremented ID, and the value is the Participant structpub const PARTICIPANTS: Map<u64, Participant> = Map::new("participants");// Counter to track the number of participants (used for deterministic winner selection)pub const PARTICIPANT_COUNT: Item<u64> = Item::new("participant_count");

You might need to share the code in your file if you don't get the results you desire.

You will need to know your contract's address, the Chain ID and a RPC connection to the chain.

You would then make the following prompt:

I have a Lottery smart contract on the Archway testnet blockchain that has the following structure:
- An account enters the lottery by paying a small fee
- A winner is selected to end the lottery and the winner will receive the total collected fees
- Accounts cannot enter the lottery if the set end block height has passed
- The smart contract admin will be able to end the lottery based on the set end block height

The Chain ID for the contantine testnet is constanine-3.

Please use the following RPC endpoint and the following API endpoint

The contract address is [Contract Address].

Here are the messages defined in my smart contract's file:

[Code Here]

Here is the code from the file:

[Code Here]

Here is the content of the file:

[Code Here]

I want to build the frontend to interact with this Lottery smart contract from both an end user and admin perspective. The frontend should allow users to enter the lottery by paying a fee in aarch, and an admin can end the lottery which will then select a winner who will receive the total collected fees.

Update the React project created above with the necessary components to interact with my lottery contract using chrome extension wallet wallet for signing transactions?

This should now give you a functioning dapp that uses the Keplr browser extension for signing transactions. Test it out and see if you have any issues. If there are errors, share with ChatGPT and update the code as required.