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  • AI-Assisted Migration of Smart Contracts from Ethereum to Archway

AI-Assisted Migration: ethereum to archway smart contract conversion

This tutorial will guide you through the process of migrating an Ethereum smart contract to Archway using AI assistance from ChatGPT. The AI will help generate all the necessary code and guide you through key adjustments for compatibility with Archway's CosmWasm environment.

Before starting, ensure you've reviewed the setup guide to install the tools required for Archway development, including the Archway Developer CLI.

Key tips for effective ChatGPT interaction

  • Be Specific: Clearly outline what your Ethereum smart contract does when prompting ChatGPT and share code if possible.
  • Follow Up: Ask for code explanations or adjustments if needed.
  • Iterate and Test: Use feedback from testing to ask ChatGPT for revisions.
  • Request Clarifications: Don't hesitate to ask questions if any part of the code or process is unclear.

Ethereum contract

Here's a simple Ethereum Solidity smart contract for a basic lottery system that we'll use for this guide:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Lottery {
    address public manager;
    address[] public participants;

    constructor() {
        manager = msg.sender;

    function enter() public payable {
        require(msg.value > 0.01 ether, "Minimum ETH required to enter is 0.01");


    function getParticipants() public view returns (address[] memory) {
        return participants;

    function pickWinner() public restricted {
        require(participants.length > 0, "No participants in the lottery");

        uint256 index = random() % participants.length;
        address winner = participants[index];

        // Transfer the contract balance to the winner

        // Reset the lottery for the next round
        participants = new address  }

    function random() private view returns (uint256) {
        return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.difficulty, block.timestamp, participants)));

    modifier restricted() {
        require(msg.sender == manager, "Only the manager can call this function");

Creating a blank archway project

Start by setting up a blank project as a foundation for your contract migration using the Archway Developer CLI. Refer to the setup guide to initialize your project.

Archway custom GPT

We've created a custom GPT configured with a knowledge set that should help with building smart contracts on Archway. The custom GPT can be accessed here and is the recommended GPT for building smart contracts on Archway.

Converting the contract structure

Ethereum contracts use Solidity, while Archway contracts use Rust. Let's use ChatGPT to help rewrite the Ethereum contract above:

Step 1: Translate Data Structures


Convert the following Solidity data structures for a lottery smart contract into equivalent Rust structures compatible with CosmWasm's cw-storage-plus and serde for serialization. This will be stored in the file. Explain each structure's purpose and usage."

-- Add Code Here --

Review and adjust the output to match your contract's requirements.

Step 2: Migrate core logic


Translate the core logic of my Ethereum lottery contract into the file. Ensure to include initialization and other necessary entry points.

Creating message types

The file defines the messages the contract handles:


Generate the file for the migrated lottery contract, including InstantiateMsg, ExecuteMsg, and QueryMsg enums. Ensure all are serde serializable.

Custom error handling

Define custom errors for better troubleshooting:


Generate the file for my migrated lottery contract, ensuring it aligns with the errors used in the file and follows CosmWasm's error handling best practices.

Rectify any issues

Compile the contract using:

archway contracts build

For any build errors, copy the error message and prompt ChatGPT:

Here's the error I encountered while building my contract: error message. Suggest code fixes to resolve it.

Deploying and instantiating the contract

Once your contract is error-free and compiled:

  1. Store it on-chain:
archway contracts store <contract-name>
  1. Instantiate the contract:
archway contracts instantiate <contract-name> --args '{}'

Refer to your InstantiateMsg structure in for required fields.

Executing transactions and queries

Use ExecuteMsg and QueryMsg to interact with your contract:

Execute entry and lottery draw

  • Enter the lottery:
archway contracts execute lottery --args '{"enter": {}}'
  • Draw the winner:
archway contracts execute lottery --args '{"draw": {}}'

Query participants

archway contracts query smart lottery --args '{"get_participants": {}}'

Iterate with ChatGPT

For additional features or debugging:


Help me add a function to distribute rewards proportionally in my lottery contract. Explain how it integrates with the existing code.