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Archwayd daemon

The archwayd tool can operate as a background process (daemon), as indicated by the d at the end of its name, and is essential for running a node on the Archway network. However, it is not limited to this function as it is the ultimate tool for allowing anyone to interact with the Archway blockchain.


The following section of the Installation documentation provides detailed instructions on how to install archwayd for your specific environment.

Commands overview

You can view the full range of archwayd commands by using the command archwayd --help.

archwayd --help# Outputs:Archway Daemon (server)Usage:  archwayd [command]Available Commands:  config        Create or query an application CLI configuration file  debug         Tool for helping with debugging your application  ensure-binary ensures the binary is correctly built  export        Export state to JSON  genesis       Application's genesis-related subcommands  help          Help about any command  init          Initialize private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files  keys          Manage your application's keys  query         Querying subcommands  rollback      rollback cosmos-sdk and tendermint state by one height  rosetta       spin up a rosetta server  start         Run the full node  status        Query remote node for status  tendermint    Tendermint subcommands  tx            Transactions subcommands  version       Print the application binary version informationFlags:  -h, --help                help for archwayd      --home string         directory for config and data (default "/Users/adrianthompson/.archway")      --log_format string   The logging format (json|plain) (default "plain")      --log_level string    The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default "info")      --log_no_color        Disable colored logs      --trace               print out full stack trace on errorsUse "archwayd [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Using archwayd: common commands

This section will guide you through using archwayd by providing examples of some common commands.

Create an Account

Let's start with the basics, as an account is required for executing transactions on-chain. By executing archwayd keys --help, you can see the list of commands related to account management. To create a new account, run the following command in your terminal, substituting [name] with the actual name of the account:

archwayd keys add [name]

The following is an example of the output, minus the mnemonic which would be shown at the end:

- address: archway17ekmaazxl8gmwu6myde26u3qm4r8cvf2x7ntfg
  name: joe
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AhwfHUglLSKU4dAEYnOlfBMbVXYDigWv3WplyFkax3Bb"}'
  type: local

**Important**: Write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

[24-word mnemonic will be shown here]

As mentioned in the message, the mnemonic is very important as it acts like a password to load your account in any wallet supporting the Archway network. Therefore, anyone who has the mnemonic has access to the account and its assets. It is extremely important not to share your mnemonic with anyone and to store it safely to ensure you can recover your account.

If you already have an account and want to load it into archwayd, you can use the --recover flag:

archwayd keys add [name] --recover

You will then be prompted to enter the mnemonic of the account you want to recover.

Query account balance

All query actions are performed using the primary query command. To query an account's bank balance, you need to access the bank module via the bank sub-command. The following is an example, substituting [account-address] with an actual account address:



archwayd query bank balances [account-address] --node "" --chain-id archway-1

The following is an example of the output:

- amount: "24244744650168365034"
  denom: aarch
  next_key: null
  total: "0"

Deploy a contract

To execute a transaction, you would use the tx command. This example will focus on deploying a contract. Make sure to change [path_to_wasm_file] to the location of the WASM file and [my-wallet] to the wallet that will execute the transaction:



archwayd tx wasm store [path_to_wasm_file] --gas auto --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 --node '' --output json | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') --gas-adjustment 1.4 --from [my-wallet] --chain-id archway-1 --node --broadcast-mode sync --output json -y

The response from storing wasm will give you the Code ID required for instantiating the contract.

Interact with a smart contract

The same wasm sub-command of the tx command is used for interacting with a smart contract. The following example will illustrate how to do this, but first, let's explain the placeholders that need to be substituted:

  • [CONTRACT-ADDRESS]: This should be the contract address of the contract you want to interact with.
  • [CONTRACT-PARAMETERS]: These are parameters that can be submitted to the contract. For example, in the Increment contract that you can create via the Archway Developer CLI, you would use '{"increment": {}}' where increment is the action to be executed but in this case no parameters are required based on the empty {} object.
  • [my-wallet]: The account that will be used to execute the transaction.



archwayd tx wasm execute --chain-id archway-1 [CONTRACT-ADDRESS] [CONTRACT-PARAMETERS] --from [my-wallet] --node --gas auto --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 --node '' --output json | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') --gas-adjustment 1.3

An example of the output could be:

✔ Enter the name or address of the account that will send the transaction … mywalletExecuting contract increment2  Chain: constantine-3  Signer: mywallet✅ Executed contract  increment2-0.1.0  Transaction: CEFC1B9F6AE482249C3F6F3ED1C723F25FA8C129F53F5169544931207769311A

Querying a contract

The query command in archwayd provides the ability to fetch and examine various pieces of data from a smart contract deployed on the Archway blockchain. To query the state of a smart contract, you typically need the contract address and the specific parameters or messages that the contract's query endpoints expect.

Common query commands

  1. Query contract state:
    • This command retrieves the state of the contract.
    • Example:
      archwayd query wasm contract-state smart [CONTRACT-ADDRESS] [QUERY-MESSAGE]
  2. Query contract info:
    • This command fetches basic information about the contract, such as its code ID and creator.
    • Example:
      archwayd query wasm contract [CONTRACT-ADDRESS]
  3. Query all contracts by code:
    • This command lists all contracts instantiated from a specific code ID.
    • Example:
      archwayd query wasm list-contract-by-code [CODE-ID]

Example Placeholders

  • [CONTRACT-ADDRESS]: The unique address of the smart contract you want to query.
  • [QUERY-MESSAGE]: The specific query message that the contract understands. For instance, in a counter contract, a query message could be '{"get_count":{}}' to get the current count.
  • [CODE-ID]: The identifier of the smart contract code, used to list all contracts instantiated from it.

Practical example

Suppose you have deployed a smart contract that maintains a simple counter. To query the current count, you would use the following command:



archwayd query wasm contract-state smart [CONTRACT-ADDRESS] '{"get_count": {}}' --node --chain-id archway-1

An example of the output would be:

  count: 1