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How to send tokens

This guides shows how to send tokens across the blockchain by using different wallets.

Sending tokens on a blockchain means signing a transaction that transfers ownership of those tokens from your address to another.

Below you can see the guides on how you can send tokens using Keplr, Cosmostation, Leap or Ledger.


Please note that due to the characteristics of blockchains, transactions are irreversible. Make sure to always double-check the recipient address before submitting any transaction

Sending tokens via Keplr

Make sure to first set up your Keplr wallet. Then, enter your password to access the Keplr wallet and select the appropriate network.

  • Click on the Send button.
  • Input the recipient's address and the amount you want to send.
  • Select the desired transaction fees.
  • Click on the Send button.
  • Confirm the transaction data, and Approve the transaction.
  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status of it by looking at a block explorer

Sending tokens via Cosmostation

Make sure to first set up your Cosmostation wallet. Then, enter your PIN code to access the Cosmostation wallet and select the appropriate network.

  • Click on the Send button.
  • Input the recipient's address and the amount to send.
  • Choose the desired transaction fees.
  • Review the transaction details and hit Next.
  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status of it by looking at a block explorer

Sending tokens via Leap

Make sure to first set up your Leap wallet. Then, enter your password to access the Leap wallet and select the appropriate network.

  • Press the Send button and enter the recipient's address and the amount.
  • Choose the desired transaction fees.
  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status of it by looking at a block explorer

For an easier use, you can add the address as a contact.

Sending tokens via Ledger

Make sure to first set up your Ledger wallet. Then, enter your PIN code to access the Cosmostation wallet and select the appropriate network.

  • Connect your Ledger device to your computer and open the relevant app (i.e. Ledger Live).
  • Select the correct network
  • Go to the Send section and enter the recipient's address and the amount.
  • Choose the desired transaction fees.
  • Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You can check the status of it by looking at a block explorer